These docs are for v1.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.

Socket API

Socket API is the fastest we have made so far. Socket API allows you to get access to real time data for any get requests (see references for all the types of requests you can make). This is our recommended method for the API usage.

1. Fetch the token

A socket token can be fetched using /socket/token endpoint. Here is a javascript sample code.

<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script type = 'text/javascript'>
  const socketToken = ''; //Socket token from /socket/token end point
  //Connect to socket
const streamlabs = io(`${socketToken}`, {transports: ['websocket']});
  //Perform Action on event
  streamlabs.on('event', (eventData) => {
    if (!eventData.for && eventData.type === 'donation') {
      //code to handle donation events
    if (eventData.for === 'twitch_account') {
      switch(eventData.type) {
        case 'follow':
          //code to handle follow events
        case 'subscription':
          //code to handle subscription events
          //default case

Please note that in the execution of the above code, the returned value will always be an array type. Below are the JSON type responses that will be returned upon triggering specific events.

  "type": "donation",
  "message": [
      "id": 96164121,
      "name": "test",
      "amount": "13.37",
      "formatted_amount": "$13.37",
      "formattedAmount": "$13.37",
      "message": "test donation",
      "currency": "USD",
      "emotes": null,
      "iconClassName": "user",
      "to": {
        "name": "Sai Harsha Maddela"
      "from": "test",
      "from_user_id": null,
      "_id": "0820c9d5bafd768c9843f5e35c885e71"
  "event_id": "evt_17e5f4dc6888767ed9799f78dfa2cabc"
  "type": "subscription",
  "message": [
      "name": "kevin",
      "months": 7,
      "message": "sub message",
      "emotes": null,
      "sub_plan": "1000",
      "sub_plan_name": "Sample Plan name",
      "sub_type": "resub",
      "_id": "a226a8c223634afdc368439c1da7aaba"
  "for": "twitch_account"
  "type": "follow",
  "message": [
      "created_at": "2017-08-22 00:14:35",
      "id": "170884026",
      "name": "h4r5h48002",
      "_id": "74a0b93e736f1f14762111f8ae34bf42"
  "for": "twitch_account"
  "type": "host",
  "message": [
      "name": "h4r5h48002",
      "viewers": "1",
      "type": "manual",
      "_id": "74a0b93e736f1f14762111f8ae34bf42"
  "for": "twitch_account"
  "type": "bits",
  "message": [
      "id": "fc546f7d-aab8-42b2-9933-8681e9fb5eb0",
      "name": "h4r5h48002",
      "amount": "1",
      "emotes": null,
      "message": "streamlabs1",
      "_id": "74a0b93e736f1f14762111f8ae34bf42"
  "for": "twitch_account"
  type: "raid", 
  message: [
      name: "sunnyding602",  
      raiders: 138, 
      _id: "6f306e1fadf37130b5d5445b95b22436"
  for: "twitch_account", 
  event_id: "evt_a6737f6334591943e5a04b0d792000d6"
  "type": "follow",
  "message": [
      "publishedAt": "2017-08-22 00:25:57",
      "id": "UCec4hVEu3ZXE8qlRtUeK0DA",
      "name": "Kappa Lord",
      "_id": "6af0964e548a6d93c192c9e31e0959cc"
  "for": "youtube_account"
  "type": "subscription",
  "message": [
      "sponsorSince": "2017-08-22 00:45:48",
      "id": "UCec4hVEu3ZXE8qlRtUeK0DA",
      "name": "Kappa Lord",
      "channelUrl": "",
      "months": 3,
      "_id": "33d396edab6e2e2e8b37a7b6f1b60b82"
  "for": "youtube_account"
  "type": "superchat",
  "message": [
      "id": "LCC.Cg8KDQoLWmpUemdzdU1vM2sSHAoaQ05PcW01UzJ3dElDRll2WkhBb2RLd0lBOWc0.028141892513880107",
      "channelId": "UCec4hVEu3ZXE8qlRtUeK0DA",
      "channelUrl": "",
      "name": "Kappa Lord",
      "comment": "love the stream",
      "amount": "2000000",
      "currency": "USD",
      "displayString": "$2.00",
      "messageType": 2,
      "createdAt": "2017-08-22 00:51:57",
      "_id": "ad46c7e468331c5e39373e05876fa17e"
  "for": "youtube_account"
  "type": "subscription",
  "message": [
      "id": "123456",
      "name": "h4r5h4",
      "months": 2,
      "message": null,
      "emotes": null,
      "since": "2017-08-22 00:36:59",
      "_id": "68f034214d68dce22431801b940d2b90"
  "for": "mixer_account"
  "type": "follow",
  "message": [
      "id": 1816,
      "name": "Jamacanbacn",
      "created_at": "2017-08-22 00:30:25",
      "_id": "4fbcdd82bc9fd39467572b24ee20a766"
  "for": "mixer_account"
  "type": "host",
  "message": [
      "name": "h4r5h47",
      "viewers": "5",
      "type": "manual",
      "_id": "4ee5fcf7e34128f4f07bb978c9e35fd4"
  "for": "mixer_account"

Below are the type and for values for different events that were described in the above samples.

followtwitch_accountTwitch Follow
subscriptiontwitch_accountTwitch Subscription
hosttwitch_accountTwitch Host
bitstwitch_accountTwitch Bits
raidstwitch_accountTwitch Raids
followyoutube_accountYouTube Subscription
subscriptionyoutube_accountYouTube Subscriber
superchatyoutube_accountYouTube Superchats
followmixer_accountMixer Follow
subscriptionmixer_accountMixer Subscription
hostmixer_accountMixer Host

What’s Next

Check out how to obtain info on loyalty points for a Streamlabs account.